Workman and Temple Family

Homestead Museum
A City of Industry Historic-Cultural Landmark
Youth and School Programs
The Homestead has the following options available to help engage students in grades K-5th with local history.
Think Like a Historian!
4th grade
A hands-on, inquiry-based program designed to complement 4th grade
Social Studies and Common Core standards. During a 90-minute visit to the
museum, students will:
explore the historic homes of the Workman and Temple families.
work together in groups to find, analyze, and interpret primary source
materials from the 1840s, 1870s, and 1920s.
collect evidence and answer questions on one of four themes:
transportation, architecture, business, and entertainment.
present their findings to the rest of the class utilizing their
understanding of the sources to give the historical causation,
periodization, and context of a theme during a particular decade.
formulate arguments to explain how and why these themes changed
over time.
*Student activity books/casebooks can also be provided in Spanish for dual immersion classes or for ELD students, please let us know if this is preferred at the time of your booking.
For more information or to make a reservation, please contact Steven Dugan at 626-968-8492 or email s.dugan@homesteadmuseum.org
Looking for pre or post-visit activities? Please take a look at our suggested curriculum, available in English and Spanish, by clicking here.

Virtual Program
3rd-5th grade
If you are unable to come to the Homestead, we can come to your
classroom for a 30-minute distance learning activity with a museum
educator where students have an opportunity to analyze three primary
source images of Los Angeles from the 1840s, 1870s, and 1920s in order to discuss change over time.
For more information or to schedule a date, please contact Steven Dugan at 626-968-8492 or email s.dugan@homesteadmuseum.org.

Ain't We Got Fun?
K-5th grade
Discover how the Los Angeles region changed over time by exploring various forms of entertainment from the 1840s, 1870s, and 1920s. During this 90-minute visit to the museum, participants will explore specified rooms within the Workman House and La Casa Nueva and make a craft based on a historic toy to take home.
For more information or to schedule a date, please contact Steven Dugan at 626-968-8492 or email s.dugan@homesteadmuseum.org.